Monday 4 January 2016

One of the most beautiful names, tvAyA

Queen consort of Egypt
Great Royal Wife
King's Mother Tuya

Full name
Tuya or Mut-Tuya

tvAyA-padmpANi=  "lotus handed, out of love for thee"

Was busy transliterating the complete Tetisheri stele now I got the complete text. Will post it tomorrow.

Saturday 2 January 2016

For a Change, lets read as Egyptologists read. Did ancient Egyptian talk like aaa-aaau-aaa-aau-aaa?? A big HAHAHHHAHAHA.

Lets assume the given sentence is : Foreigners those who travel make charges against hands to punish.

Now, using the same sentence and translating as per the Egyptologists the sentence should read as 


I will say a big HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Taken from Budge's dictionary, part 1 page number 1.

So called Tetisheri Stele translation- I enjoy ridiculing Egyptologists...

                                        Stele of Tetisheri

                       Lunette of the stela of Tetisheri - Cairo Museum

The Egyptologists say that this stele was done in honour of his grand mother Tetisheri by Ahmose but I did not find a single word mentioning anything like that. In fact the translation will make Egyptologists look into their archaeological findings again and look for ways to straighten their chronology of the kings and their dynasties.

Top part of the stele I will read only the left side because the right side one is exactly identical.

reading the words written on the back of the man standing with sceptre in his hands:

Literal meaning zaMsin/zaMsana- bhU-nabha= uttering/praise to Sky.

If I take little liberty in the sounds,  the combination of the three Gardiner signs( the fetter, the flower and the ankha symbol) produce sound like za-aMsa-na and if we analyze it, it is producing word like zMazAna and if use this meaning, it would read as nabha-bhU-zMazAna= The cemetery appears in the sky.

Alternatively, the sound produce by the last two signs in this is like bha-nabha and if we take it as

zMazAna-bhambha=the tomb/cemetery- fly. Did they believe that the pyramids will fly with them inside?

This is just an extension of my analysis and not the literal meaning.

 Now the main text appears: meru-aMza-jAtitA/jJAtatA-rAzi-nakSat-bhU(haMsa)= belonging to/being known as- the part of The spine, zodiac approaching( Goose/swan).

The two vertical lines finished.

Third vertical line: nipur-netra-nabha/nAbhi/nAbha-dvaita(nabha-paThitR)= handsome leader- having two skies/two centres or two navels( reader of sky).

I will explain the meaning of nabha, nAbhi and nAva and how all these three are connected and what is the philosophy behind it and it will expose the story of creation of ancient Egypt as told by the Egyptologists which is partly true.

Fourth line:

hari-dAta-vasatha/vAsAta ( kAma-vasati)=  God -given/purified/cleansed- house( Kam deva, lord of sensual or sexual pleasures lives).

The last two signs are carried forward for the fifth and the last line:

zapta-pati/saptapadi- netra-akSi- sva-kupata/gupta-aMzitA-sva mati/sumati-jJAtatA-(aditi/diti-hRd)-dadat.

=Having taken circumambulation of seven steps of nuptial fire-eye of the leader/guide-self excellent/concealed or protected-co heir/sharer of the throne-intelligent/good minded or independent minded-understood or being known-( like aditi, mother of Gods or Adityas/ diti is Aditi's sister and mother of another class of divinities who were called daityas)-given.

= Having taken seven steps of marriage-eye of the King-self excellent or self concealed- good minded, being known as name given Aditi or diti -like.

Reading the top part of the stele sounds like she is the co-heir and the wife of the king Ahmose- I whose name is mentioned along with this queen.

The Egyptologists guess of the Title of great Royal wife, mother of the Kings etc are all wrong guess. For co heir they should be looking for the so called ankha sign and the ta signs to give combined sound of aMzitA meaning co-heir.

Now coming to the bottom text in two lines, I will first write the sentences and then write the meaning:



=Accentuated in a particular manner, purU of the sky, produced by moon, Lord of the treasury, talent or intelligence of the land called city of the Gods, title holder exists-(reader of the sky)-Zodiac(swan)-part of The Spine.

Leafless trees seize water shed or given by you, self- king,self son-ship of the excellent/hidden leader, self excellent or self protected or self concealed-(beautiful Arya, greatness)- co-heir/sharer of the throne- {engages in sexual or sensual pleasure/ engages in divine truth}-appears like moon, vigour and speed is bestowed.

I have taken the word sva-suta= self-king however it can also be read as SvasA= sister and ta will add to taru to make it tarutA without adding the meaning of taru=plant/tree. Then succeeding words will read as svatA-sUnutA instead of sva-sUnutA. If we take this way, then only it will mean that she is also the sister of the King, her co-regent.

Also, it is possible to read the beginning of  last line as apattra vartikA taru  devI-vArida= leafless vartikA tree's goddess, giving water or shedding water.

Now vartikA is a medicinal plant identified as Lannea coromandelica.

There are other possibilities of svatA-bhUta and it could be read as suta-bhUta meaning son exists or king exists.

Now this reading clearly confirms that nefertari and Tetisheri are the same queens. May be the Egyptologists should now look into it and correct themselves.

Names of Stars, Constellations and Lunar Mansions..part II

In the part one I had missed number 15 with the crocodile symbol so I will transliterate it.

15. makara= crocodile, Capricornus.

Thus this is zodiacal sign Capricorn

26. zaka-vAhanana-sAvaka/zAvaka- makara= Vehicle of the Lord, Young crocodile= varuNa/vAruNa= nakSatra zatabhiSaj= of the 22nd or 24th नक्षत्र (containing 100 stars , one of which is Î» Aquarii ; its name is said to denote that धन्वन्तरि himself cannot cure a person affected with disease whilst the moon is in this asterism).

varuNa is the Lord of seas riding makara as his vehicle and vAruNa meaning related to to varuNa/ aquatic/marine/aquatic animal/water god's children or warriors/people and the constellation of zatabhiSaj

27.  triNava- netra= Guide consisting of 3x9= 27 parts= 27 lunar mansions.

28. Atapa or atapa

Atapa= sunshine/sunlight/moon light etc. atapa= A class of deities.

However if we read the full sentence advaya- tApa or tapa= unique/ only-heat= sun.

Thus it is talking about sun.

29. dvitra=2 or 3. Thus it also does not say much about the constellation except taking about the number of stars 2 or 3.

30. kamaTha- vasatha= House of Tortoise.

kamaTha also means Water Jar.

Thus the constellation is Aquarius.

31. mataGga= Elephant. Probably indicating the elephant trunk.

32.  usa-navata or usa-nata= covering lover or bending lover.

This indicates the entire sky as seen from earth.

33.  maruka/maruja= Deer=mRga-zIrSa constellation, The Orion. In medieval muslim astronomy it is known as giant.

34. mAnya-dvitaya-kUpa= Valid-pair of the  moor posts. Here it does not say specifically which constellation they are talking about.

35.  zUra/zura/sura-kiTa= Mighty/brave/hero/divinity-- born  in the scorpion zodiac.

This is a big HAHAHAHHAHA moment for the Egyptologists... They do not understand what s-r-k-t means when they have had so many clues.

36. ANy lay- man can say it is fish = pisces zodiac. However, since words are not here so it is difficult to identify this constellation or zodiac.

I will come back to this issue separately till I find the things written adjacent to it. I remember similar word in Budge's dictionary where in, I transliterated the meaning as elephant fish  which is related to Pisces Australis. I will show the proof shortly.

37.  dvipakSa-ma- tAyate= Moon having two sides(indicating probably the waxing and waning) proceeds in a continuous stream or line.

Here too it is talking about moon and not about any constellation.

ALternatively, can be read as dvipakSa-maThAyati= shakes/tears off --both sides. Does not mean any thing to me.

38. ha-ya=haya= zodiacal sign Sagittarius. haya also means horse.

39. viva= riding on a bird= viSNu= Lunar mansion zravaNa= 22nd lunar mansion, belonging to capricorn.

Importance of Constellations and Zodiac on the names:

I will just use one example and it will be clear how the Egyptologists know nothing about the ancient Egyptian civilization:

Now the Egyptologists call this king as Senakhtenre Ahmose

I read the full stele whatever visible as:

The top line : 
akSi-dadAtu-vinetra= gives eyes to blind.

akSa-vasatha/vasati-netra-dadAtu= Pivot/Axle of the Leader/guide gives dwelling.

or Pivot/axle/axis of the residence/home/house gives eyes.

Probably they are talking about the axis of the Pyramid giving eyes of knowledge.

Reading the middle register:

meru-aMza- rAma-jAtitA( nakSatra-svAna)= born from the part of The Spine, pleasant( Dog constellation).

Reading the last Register

meru-aMza- rAma-jAtitA( haMsa)=born from the part of The Spine, pleasant( goose).

haMsa is an auspicious sign combination formed at birth by five planets namely  Mars, mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.
 Any of these five planets in it’s own sign, Mool Trikona or exalted in a kendra (quadrant) which is 1, 4, 7 and 10th house, makes this yoga or auspicious sign.
I am not so much into astrology but those blessed ones can dig further in this.
Please note that I have used the Indian systems and hence some Lunar mansions which fall in a particular zodiac as per the Indian system are different as per the western Zodiac system and hence it should not be confused.