Thursday 17 December 2015

Jacob and Hebrew people

Egyptian history has a lot to tell us about the origin of the word Hebrew and without the genuinity of existence of Jacob/yakub, the tales of old testaments of bible will remain a fairy tale.

Does the history of Egypt as told by the Egyptologists shed any light on the above? Of course not, given their gibberish, synthetic language which is an outcome of years of working in one wrong direction. Can any one pronounce any of the sentences they write? Can any one open any dictionary to find any of these words? Not possible. Why? Because the Egyptian Hieroglyphic language as understood by the Egyptologists is completely wrong. This has resulted in several confusions and popular movies like mummy and mummy returns.

My understanding is that Egyptian dynasties came into being because of the expansion of Indo- Aryans in Egypt and presence of the Indo Aryans as ruling elites in countries from modern Turkey to Syria and up to Palestine was not a mere coincidence but it was part of a massive movement of people of Indo-Aryan ancestry. They brought their culture and language. They could not influence the writing skills of fertile crescent because fertile crescent people already had learnt from sumerians, the cuneiform writing skills, but they found opportunity in Egypt and innovated the hieroglyphics.

In coming blogs, I will show how Sanskrit is the only language of  Egyptian Hieroglyphics. This post concerns about Jacob and the hebrew people so I will restrict myself to this.

The origin of the word Mizr is from two parts mi and zram

mi= repeatedly fix or build.
zram= to make efforts
zra= to lean on
So Mizram means making efforts to repeatedly build or fix and mizra means to lean on/depend on building repeatedly.

Thus Mizram was the name of the country and Mizra were the people.

Please note that I am writing in abugida system as Sanskrit is one of the few languages in the world which uses semi consonants and semi vowels. Meaning the consonants are not pure consonants as English or any other language and hence to pronounce a sound "ra" will make english alphabet r lacking a vowel "a" where as the alphabet ra in Sanskrit will be ready to use.

Coming back to the word Hebrew and Jacob, please see the following Hieroglyphics:

He whom Ra causes to be festive

This name is transliterated by the Egyptologists

the first letter is ra-sa-ha-pa( Egyptologists call it ba)- hava-ra

If you see from my transliteration, there are two differences from their transliteration, one is the leg symbol which I call pa( because in Sanskrit the word for leg is pAda. I do not blame the Egyptologists as pa and ba are interchangeable and their source of understanding is from the rosetta stone which was written during the Ptolemic period this interchangeability could be understood. Even modern arabic speaking people can not say pa and they will make it ba like pApA becomes bAbA etc), the second one is right hand top symbol for which they do not give any words but just a meaning festivities.

I transliterate it as sAha-pura/purA-hava-ra/rA

If we go for the literal meaning, it means mighty/powerful/conquering-town/fortress-invoking light/fire= conquering fortress (by) invoking fire.

However, if we go by the literal meaning , we will miss one important point which is the name of the city, havara.

So meaning in this cartouche should be read as conquering fortress of havara.

This is 14th/15th dynasty of Egypt ( around 17th century B.C) and Egyptologists say their capital was Avaris. Why name Avaris? Because Greeks said so. The name hawara survives even today.

Could the people of this city not be called haviru or habiru and the word hebrew came into being?

Now, consider the second set of Hieroglyphs


If we read the nomen, the letters are in following sequence:

ya-ka-pa-ha-ra for the first one

ya-ka-pa( here Egyptlogists need to do lots of explanations, how come for the same name the first one has pa and the second one has ba with leg symbol)-ha-ra for the second one


This can be transliterated as yA-kUpa-hara= marching/travelling/religious meditation- cave-mountain= religious meditation or religious march to the cave in the mountain.

Thus the name is yAkUpa-hara= yAkUba-hara= JakUba-hara as pa and ba and ya and ja are interchangeable.

There is no doubt that the name written in this scarab as found by Flinders is yAkuba but if we limit ourselves with just the name we will get half the information.

What cave and which mountain the name talks about?

Does this name not talk about the cave in the mount sinai which is holy place for both Christians and Jews and where Moses said to have got his ten commandments?

But Moses happened several years later than Jacob then how it is possible? Its possible if we remove legends and myths from the story.

There is every possibility that the people of havara or Hebrew people used to go for a pilgrimage to this cave in mount sinai even before Moses. How they worshipped and what they worshipped no body knows.

So, Moses' famous visit to this cave was not the first ever visit to the cave.


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