Tuesday 22 December 2015

Mystery of Akhenaten continues...spitama, the zarathustra or ptahmose?

In our last Post we saw the second Nomen of Akhenaten as

Second one: rasA(atna-ra-ahanA)= earth name-(Sun's rays at dawn).

So what is his name? Combining everything written in the cartouche, it will read as ra-atna-ahanA= ratna-ahnA= ahanA-ratna= Jewel of Dawn

ratna= precious, magnet, wealth, gem, present, precious stone, gift, riches, anything valuable or precious, goods, treasure, gemstone, water, loadstone, anything best of its kind.

This akhenaten is wrong rendering of name.

Now where do you see this ahnA?

Probably the heroism of ahnA ratna is sung in the zoroastrian most sacred Avestic gatha- "ahuna- vairya" probably the Avestic equivalent of Sanskrit word "ahanA-virya"

virya has the following meaning : power, heroism, energy, efficacy, virility, robustness, dignity, valour, manliness, lustre, courage, bravery, semen virile, bravery, heroic deed, strength etc.

Even if it is connected what is the relation between Akhenaten or ahanA-ratna and zarathustrA?

Well see the name which is marked by me in the stela below:

   The so-called Ptahmose stela at Metropolitan Museum of Art

Copied from the left side of the stela      

copied from the right side bottom

                                            copied from the right side top

copied from one of the lines

excerpts from this line

                 Last Line

If we see the following signs are visible:

p= pa





However, if you see more clearly there are three small lines III directly appearing above H in left side and right side top and bottom of the stella. Other places too they appear but not immediately after ha symbol which is not unusual.

These lines which appear below any phonetic value is perplexing for the Egyptologists and they do not know what they should do with it. Except understanding it in plural numbers and adding "u" to the sound they can not do any thing.

But two are plural , three are plural so two or three are enough to indicate plural. What was the need to indicate with four or five or six lines  or draw four pictures of the same thing? Egyptologists can not explain this because they do not know.

The explanation is very simple, they used to add prefixes and suffixes by putting the bars IIII below the phonetic sound or repeating the pictures the same number of time.

So if there are III bars, it means you need to add as suffix or prefix tra, traya, tri etc.

If IIII then you need to add catur which in turn means skillful dexterous etc.

Coming back to the nameha with three bars can be read as hotra or hotR

hotR=one who sacrifices, offerer of an oblation or burnt offering, priest, priest sacrificial , priests who at sacrifices invokes the gods or recites the Rg veda, Rg veda priest.

hotra=function or office of the hotR, burnt offering, sacrificing, sacrifice.

Now,  others can be read as

S29-p-t-ms= spitama

So the complete name is hotR-spitama. But there are several men with this name spitama so how to identify which one was spitama the zarathustra? The word hotR associated with this spitama indicates he is the one.


Now if we believe the chronology given by Egyptologists, this person or spitama was high priest of Amun and vizier of southern Egypt either in the beginning or at the end of the reign of Amenhotep III, father of Akhenaten or ahanA-ratna.


Assuming that he was vizier and high priest towards the end of Amenhotep III, it would mean that when Akhenaten assumed throne, he would have influenced this king ahanA. Was it the reason that within four years of assuming the throne, Akhenaten decided to do away with the old religion and shift the capital to modern Amarna.

It appears that ptahmose the vizier was spitama-zarathustra but identifying the king vistaspa  only by the name would be difficult as this Avestic name appears to be identical with viSTa-asva= accompanied with horses.

The mystery still continues with ahanA-ratna or Akhenaten...

Will do some more posts shortly.

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