Tuesday 29 December 2015

Names of all 18th dynasty kings--Egyptologists you failed us by manufacturing a language which never existed.

Though Kamose is supposed to be 17th dynasty King, I am beginning with him

zubha/sva-bhU( vajra-kha-purU)=zubhaशुभ/sva-bhU(kha- vajra-purU)= Auspicious/self-existing(impenetrable purU of the heaven/sky).

sara/rasA/rAzi( kAma-suhana/sahana/sAhana) = wind or water or earth or zodiac ( enduring or causing sexual love or pleasure)

Alternatively,  kAma-samUhana= The God of love placing an arrow on the bowstring= kAmadeva.

Alternatively, if we read the full word kara for the hand symbol,

karma-samUhana= activity/work in placing an arrow on the bowstring.

Thus the name of the King is vajra-purU

zubha/sva-bhU( Rta- nabhapati)=          ( divine truth of the Lord of the sky/heaven).

Alternatively, we can read this name as (nabha-paThitR)= reading sky.

Nomen: haMsa=swan/horse/goose/a kind of ascetic/soul/spirit/spiritual preceptor etc.

If we analyze the horus  name of the king

kha-purU-vakSa= heaven/sky- purU-chest= purU having heaven in the chest/breast

Thus the name of the king is just haMsa हंस or purU- vakSa or purU - kha- vakSa


suta-bhUta/svatA-bhUta( jasuri-kuru)= son/king - existing(thunderbolt of kuru).

If we take just the jasa part of the phonetic of the word jasuri because of the sound ra present nearby, then the word becomes

jasa-kuru= yaza-kuru= kuru king of fame.

Nomen: sara/rAzi/rasA( yamana/Amana- zapta-pati)= Lord taken oath to friendly disposition or God Yama).

Thus the name of the king is either yaza kuru or jasuri kuru.

Please do not mistake to think that he is the first king of kuru lineage. There are several kings preceding him in previous dynasties. 

( rakSaka-kha-purU)= guardian/protector of heaven/sky-purU.

Alternatively: akSa- kuru- kha-purU= the centre/axis of kuru kingdom, purU of the heaven.

Alternatively: akSara kuru kha-purU= imperishable kuru, purU of the heaven/sky.

Nomen: sumedha= very nourishing

        Alternatively: medhas=understanding/intelligence etc.

Thus the name of the king is sumedha or medhas.

Prenomen:    rakSaNa- kha-purU= protecting/watching/guarding- heaven/sky- purU

Alternatively: nirakSa- kha- purU= purU at the equator of the heaven. ( Probably, the universe was viewed as a sphere with the far end of heaven as one of the poles and the other end as the other pole and with earth as the equator)

Alt. nara-akSa-kha-purU= Axle of the heavenly nara, the supreme spirit pervading the universe, purU.

Nomen: sumedha/medhas

Thus the name of the king is sumedha/medhas or rakSaNa kha-purU.

Prenomen: mAtRkA/mAtRka= (divine mother or Grand mother)/ (coming from mother or maternal or nature of a mother).

Nomen: Amana-vat-irA-mAtA/mata= Like friendly disposition of mother irA.

irA= sarasvati/ daughter of seventh manu progenitor of mankind.

Thus the name of this Lady King was mAtRkA or irA or ilA.


ramaNa-kha-purU= pleasing charming purU of the heaven.

Nomen: nipur-medha-kha-purU= kha-nipur-purU-medha

Thus the name of the King is purUmedha.

PreNomen: rakSitR-kha-purU= protector of heaven-purU=purU protecting heaven/sky.

Nomen: Amana-zapta-pati- zaka-dhvani(?){ The last symbol I am not clearly able to identify and it sounds like dhvani and also looks like some kind of musical instrument and not the column with tenon as identified by the Egyptologists).

zapta-pati can also be read as saptapadi/saptapadI= having taken seven steps around fire.

Thus in both cases the meaning would be: "having taken oath of friendly disposition, implied meaning King of zaka people."

Thus the name of the king is rakSitR- purU or saptapadi zaka-dhvani.

Prenomen: ramaNa-khatra-purU= ramaNa-kSatra-purU= charming warrior purU.

Nomen: sumedha/medhas.

Thus the name of the King is sumedha/medhas or ramaNa kSatra purU.

Prenomen: nabha/nAbha/nAbhi/nAbhI-mAtR= mothers'   -sky/ navel/central point/wheel etc.

Nomen: zapta/sapta- Amana/yamana- zaka-vasati= having taken oath of friendly disposition or to Lord Yama, the King exists/dwells.

Thus the name of the King should be read as mAtR nAbhi/nAbhI.

If you would be able to understand the whole concept behind this word nabha, nAbhi, nAbhI, it would be easier to understand how different religions emerged.

I will write in subsequent posts about this word, its origin and how it affected all religions and their symbolisms.

Prenomen: nipur-kSatra- nara-purU-rava/rAva= Man having supreme body, warrior purU-rava/rAva.

Alt. sva-bhU(nipur-kha-purU-vAnara-retra)

=self-existing( subtle body of purU of heaven with perfume made from perfumed Frankincense)

Alt. sva-bhU(nipur-khatri-purU-rava/rAva-naretara)= self existing(purU-rava, having subtle body is different than man i.e God)


The first one:

yamana/Amana- zapta/sapta netra-zaka-vasati= having taken oath to the friendly disposition or to Lord Yama, leader and the king of zaka people dwells/lives.

The second one:  ahanA-ratna= Jewel of dawn.

If we break down the meaning, it means "dawn is the love of the Sun" or dawn, the rays of light of Sun.

Prenomen: (aMzula-kSatra-purU)= radiant warrior purU.

Nomen:  kha-zakra-jasuri-kSatra-purU= Lord Indra with thunderbolt in the heaven, warrior purU.

Thus the name of this king was aMzula अंशुल- purU पुरु

Prenomen: aMzula-kSatra-purU= radian warrior purU.

The above two prenomens for two successive kings are the same.

Nomen: catura-nipur-ratna= dexterous jewel having subtle body.

We may doubt that the Nomen looks feminine but given that these epithets are used by the male kings as well, it is possible to have a male king having this epithet.

Who is this short lived king? Is it the same one as above or a female queen pretending to be a King. we will see in subsequent posts.

Hiero Ca1.svg
Hiero Ca2.svg
𓇓𓆤 𓍹𓇳𓆣𓏥𓎟𓍺
Lord of the forms of Re
Son of Re
Hiero Ca1.svg
Hiero Ca2.svg
𓅭𓇳 𓍹𓇋𓏠𓈖𓏏𓅱𓏏𓋹𓋾𓉺𓇗𓍺
Tutankhamun Hekaiunushema
Living Image of Amun, ruler of Upper Heliopolis

This is the Prenomen and Nomen of Tutankhamun.

Prenomen:  kha-nAbhi/nAbhI/nabha/nAbha-purU-retra= Perfumed Sovereign or Lord paramount of the sky/heaven.

Here I have taken one of the meanings of the word nAbhi.

Alt. rakSa-purU-trinAbha/trinAbhi

Taking one of the meanings, purU, whose navel supports and protects three world or protecting purU having three nave.


Amana/yamana-tAvat-aMza-zaka-dhvani(?)-sma=tAvat-aMza-yamana-zaka-dhvani-sma= Verily! so large part of Lord Yama, Implied meaning, the King.

His Horus name is also interesting:

Horus name
Kanakht Tutmesut
The strong bull, pleasing of birth
hara/hari( eka-tAvat-masta-vAtR)= God{ Sole, so big blower by head}.

Alt. eka-tAvat-masta-vaitra= Only one with so big HEAD of the stick/staff/rod/cane.

We find no names here except trinAbhi, rakSa purU.

Prenomen: kSatra-dvAratA-Urmi= warrior gateway of desires/regret.

Alternatively, warrior becoming manifested/appearing at the gate.

Nomen: yayAti-netra-rasa= Jewel of Leaders, yayAti.

Thus the name of this king is : yayAti

Prenomen: jasuri-nara-kSatra-purU-rava/rAva= Man with thunderbolt, warrior purU-rava/rAva.

His Nomen  is the same as Akhenaten except one more Epithet added to it.

Nomen: Amana/yamana- mAra-hariman-hava=Invoking God of Love, Lord Yama, God of illness/death.

hariman in Sanskrit means death/illness/jaundice etc.

If we want the name to be given a twist without altering the meaning, we can read as mAra-yamana-hariman-hava.

This leads to the name mAryAmana- hariman-hava

Alternatively, we can read it as yamana-mAra-hari-nama-hava= Salutations to God and  Invoking God of love, Lord Yama.

marya in Sanskrit means: young/lover/suitor/stallion/mortal  etc.

maryA= limit/boundary/mark.

All so called semitic names like mariam/mAria/Mary  have their roots in Sanskrit words like marya/maryA/mara/mAra etc.

Thus the name of the last King of this dynasty could be read as mAryAmana hariman/ hari- nama or jasuri purU-rava/rAva.

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