Monday 21 December 2015

vAnara, Oliban and Frankincense

When Champollion had the name of queen Berenice in Hieroglyphic cartouche right in front of him, he had identified most of the signs except an important symbol, the sign of incense pot number 1 and number 5 were not identified.

Cartouche of Berenice

Comparing it with the name Bernice, he easily identified that the number 1 symbol sounds "ba"

But why this symbol should sound ba? Frankincense is also known as Olibanum and the presence of "banum" confirms the reason why ba was taken as the alphabet for this symbol.

In Sanskrit, the word for FRANKINCENSE is Vanar( va is sounding same as wa in war) and it is not a coincidence that if we read 1,3 and then 2 exactly bAnara can be read further strengthening our logic that the word for the incense here was bAnara but we need to read only ba out of this word here as na and ra are already present.

Thus, the word for Frankincense was bAnara which is same as vAnara.

If you ask the Egyptologists, they will not talk about the symbols of 6 and 7 present in this cartouche. They will say that this indicates the presence of a female name in the cartouche as it was in the case when name of Goddess Isis was written.

Now lets take the case of Goddess Isis.

in hieroglyphs

The throne symbol represents Goddess Isis which is read as Asa= seat, in Sanskrit.

Now lets read the first set of symbols, it reads as

Asita-yati= (seated/being at rest/one who has sat down/abode/seat/one who is seated or dwells)-(widow/ascetic/devotee/sage)= seated widow.( Please note that Goddess Isis is a widow as her husband was killed already).

Aste-yati= exist/be present in/make one's abode in-widow/ascetic/devotee/sage

Assuming both the figures are same for Isis, 6 and 7 should therefore mean ta and ya respectively.

So what is the real name of  the goddess? Asita and the greeks probably derived the name Isis from this word Asita.

But is it the only possibility?

Well if The Ancient Egyptians would have used the throne or seat symbol as a verb then they would have used even root word "as" in asti = happen, become, abide, be equal to, dwell, turn out, stay, belong to , prove, be present, live, be, exist etc

so if we use this word "as" for the throne symbol, then the word in front of the sitting lady would be "asti"

The meaning of asti has already been given above.

Thus there are two possibilities of the names of the goddess Isis, either "Asita" or "asti".

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