Tuesday 29 December 2015

Names of Ramses-II, one of the most celebrated Kings of Entire Egyptian History-Surprises for every one

Ramses -II

Reading Prenomen:


= Auspicious/self-existing (man of mother's soul or spirit considered as the supreme being roars)

Gardiner sign F12 wsr can be read as usra= bull or vasura= rich.

Taking usra as the word, lets read it mAtR-usra-ravaNa=mother's bull roaring.

We can use the words like rAvaNa also instead of ravaNa with similar meaning.

We can also read it as:

mAtR-usra-vAnara= mother's bull is fragrant like Frankincense.

However vAnara also means ape/monkey Chimpanzee...

Now we see the two characters of rAvaNa and vAnara of Great Epic Ramayana already present in his name. Lets analyze further his other names.

Nomen: yamana-mIra-rAma-zAsa= Rama, rules the realm of Lord Yama.

mIra= sea/ocean/limit/boundary.

yamana/yAman/Aman could be used for the first word.

Horus name: ekamata -mAra= unanimously, God of Love.

Nebty name: aGkitaअङ्कित- kAma-vasati, avabhAsita jasuri tri-parAnta/ tripurAnta

= Known/marked Lord of sexual Love/pleasure lives shining (as Lord Indra )with Thunderbolt in the three boundaries or the limits of three celestial cities.

Golden Horus name:

vasu- reNuputra-akSatra-jasuri = Lord of riches, son of pollen or spreader of pollen-a man not from warrior class with thunderbolt.

Here the scribe is trying to mean  eka-kSatra and not akSatra  both these words are sounding similar and hence we should read as eka-kSatra

so it would be read as 

vasu-reNuputra-eka-kSatra-jasuri= Lord of riches, son of pollen, single ruler, Lord Indra with Thunderbolt.

Analyzing the above names, it is clear that his name is not Ramses but only Rama, namesake of the central Character in Epic Ramayana.

However, please do not rush to the conclusion that he is the Lord Rama mentioned in our Epic as there are far more surprises for all of us.

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