Sunday 27 December 2015

Nefertit daughter of yayAti or just diti? Egyptologists are exposed on Artaxerxes-I

 Hieroglyphics was a magical  language of very  intelligent people and they used the numbers and alphabets together to make words. This is the important point the Egyptologists are missing.

Foe example,  If they had to write putra= son, they will write full word but they will draw the Gardiner sign Q3 Q3 and put  III signs either in the side or below which could sound like tra, tri, traya,tR etc.

To ensure a particular meaning they will produce some additional picture which may contribute phonetically or could act simply as determinative.

When Egyptologists encounter I, they simply ignore, if they ignore two lines, they say plural and add u in the word, if three , they still say plural and add still "u" to the word.

How about when they encounter similar thing four times or IIII written below it. They have no answerS...

The answer is here.

Consider the name of Nefertiti

Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti in hieroglyphs

Neferneferuaten Nefertiti
Nfr nfrw itn Nfr.t
Beautiful are the Beauties of Aten, the Beautiful one has come

There are four F35 signs together and how Egyptologists solve this issue?

They break four in two parts, one separate and three separate and thus read nefer-neferu.

Actually, they do not have any clues whatsoever and they can not think even.

This is a simple four x nipur= catur चतुर् nipur= caturaचतुर-nipur = wise/clever/dexterous having subtle body.

Now, you may ask why I am using the word as nipur where as the Egyptologists are using the word Nefer.

The answer lies in the tablets found about the correspondences between the Egyptian Kingdom and the Hittites and it is written in cuneiform writing and in Akkadian which is a known language. The first part of the name of the king who has died  is mentioned as nibhur. Now, pa, fa, ba and bha belong to the same group so were permissible in ancient times when the grammar was not perfectly done. Hence   nipur, nifur or nibur or nibhur or even nimur would mean the same and mind it, this correspondence was between two great empires far distant from each other.

Egyptologists have admitted that there is no basis for them to put the vowels between the consonants and as a standard practice they are putting the random vowel "e" between the consonants. Thus they formed the word from their reading of nfr to nefer. 

For a second,  lets examine the word for  F35

f Gardiner sign I9 for viper , Egyptologists are giving it phonetic value f where as I have given it bha because of the word bhujyu= viper.

Reading this the signs are na-bha-ra= nibhur.

Thus Hittites were right in calling the King as  nibhur. Somehow, this ancient word is present in  Sanskrit dictionary as nipur and Egyptologists struggled with coptic to show its word for love has  some relation with their word nfr.

Coming back to usage of the numbers in the words, I have a proof which will make the Egyptologists look for a hiding place.

The above is again from Budge's dictionary.

Now reading the name svatA-bhUta( could be read as suta-bhUta as well)- nAbhi/nabha/nAbhI/nAbha-- advaita( Arta-kha-za-sa-za).

There are several meanings for suta and I will mention just two of them king &  son.

In subsequent posts I will explain the reason of svatA bhUta or suta-bhUta and it will open the eyes of the Egyptologists.

The name as identified by the Egyptologists would be Arta-kha-za-sa-za but this is not the name of the king as written in cuneiform.

Where is "tra" gone?? 

There were so much excited to match letter by letter, the names of autokrat romans and caesar and the Ptolemys. What happens now?

The answer is that it has to be read as  A-r-t-kh-z-tra( tra bcos there are three 's' together.)

= so the name is Arta kha-za-tra which is exactly matching the name recorded in cuneiform.

If we wish, we can read it as Arta-kha-zAsus (शासुस्) however, it will not match as recorded.

Now coming to the meaning part of both the names,

The Sanskrit Equivalent of Arta is Rta and it is by reading the sitting lion symbol first which sounds ra and then ta.

So for the meaning purposes it would be Rta-kha-za-tra= Rta-kha-kSatra=divine truth-(sky/sun/heaven)-(power/authority)= power/authority by the divine truth of the sky.

If we read the second one, it would be Rta-kha-zAsus= divine truth-(sky/sun/heaven)-(order/command)= order/command by the divine truth of sky/heaven/sun.

Do not you think both the meanings are same? Yet the name was ending with tra and so, it was done deliberately with three signs for "sa" so as to appear tra.

Now if by placing the lines below any symbol was able to produce the desired effect, what was the need for repeating the same picture three , four or nine times?? Is it not illogical and time consuming to draw additional pictures than to simply put the number of bars below the sign?

I have found that for two lines and two symbols both are different but three onwards either three pictures of the same sound or three bars will mean the same.

so if we put II( two lines or bars) below any sign, it means repeat it two times, so below a sign of ta if we put two bars, it will mean ta-ta

But if two pictures of ta are drawn, we will add the suffix as dvitA= doubleness/two/dual.

Now lets try reading the nefertiti name again:

Neferneferuaten-Nefertiti in hieroglyphs

ra-atna-catur-nipur   nipur yA-yA-ta  asti ( This is assuming that the two lines are related to the rush symbol on the leg M18. Since the legs are like coming, so the first letter would sound like 'A'( as in  Agacchati   आगच्छति)     combined sign of single rush sign "i" will give it sound i+A= yA.

So it will read as nipur ratna,  catur nipur yAyAta-asti= Gem of the subtle bodies, dexterous having subtle body, daughter of yayAti exists.

This is strange meaning why the daughter of yayAti should exist?

Well, in my last post about the king yayAti, I mentioned that Ay's name is actually yayAti and hence nefertiti should be the daughter or belonging to or related to Ay.

This is what Egyptologists also believe without any proof.

Now coming to the other assumption that this double line is in front of the symbol "ta"

it will read as ra-atna-catur-nipur     nipur- yA- ta-ta- asti= ra-atna-catur-nipur   nipur-yA- diti- asti

= nipur ratna catur nipur yA diti asti= Gem or Jewel of subtle bodies, dexterus having subtle body, "the approaching splendour" exists.

Thus the name of Nefertiti is just diti and all are her epithets.

Probably the use of double lines was used to create an illusion of words having different but relevant meanings.

Now lets read the famous Egyptological word "two lands of lower and upper egypt":

The poetic stele Louvre C100, drawn by Flinders Petrie.

                                                                                zoomed part

I have zoomed the relevant part  which is second line from the left and we will read it from top:

(hara/hari)- (sIma/sImA/sima/simA)-dvitA/dvaita- mahi-dvipuTa-soma

If we want to take a normal earthly meaning it will be 

hara/hari- sIma/sImA-dvitA-mahi dvipuTa= The two -boundaries/edges/fronts/lands of -seizer/ Lord-soma- big and double folded.

However there is a double meaning that could be attributed to it which is hidden in the words simA and soma and dvitA/dvaita.

simA= a particular sAmana. sAmana= a metrical hymn of praise.

soma= moon/a special mythical drink/nectar/moon god/sky/heaven/wind/air/water/a particular mountain.

It will take a lot of time to explain what it means spiritually and it will a diversion from the core issue of the language that is what I am not taking it up here.

Now see how Egyptologists call it.

"Sema Tawy"

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