Saturday 19 December 2015

Mystery of Hyksos people

Egyptologists are shooting arrows in darkness when it comes to identifying the genuine kings of Egypt and thus they have goofed up the chronology of different dynasties and also the number of dynasties.

Especially, when they believe that the kings of Egypt were ruling through out the lower and upper Egypt, they are wrong as many of the kings name which they have considered under different dynasties were ruling parallel at different places along Nile or Nile delta area.

There were  few successful kings, who could bring entire Egypt under one rule but at all other times there were several kings who were either ruling independently or were vassals of the main Egyptian kings.

Probably, the number of dynasties are much less than what Egyptologists account for and hence the time period of dynastic era of Egypt is far too less.

Egyptologists are completely in darkness about their so called 13th to 16th dynasties. i will take a few examples of such kings who happened to be in these dynasties.

Lets see one by one :

Please note that hara= mountain but it also means god of mountains=ziva but I will restrict myself with the meaning as mountain.

Mystery of Hyksos People

Hyksos / Hykussos in hieroglyphs
X1 Z1

Ḥq3-ḫ3st / Ḥq3-ḫ3swt[1]
Heka-chaset / Heka-chasut[1]
Ruler(s) of the foreign countries[1]


1. zAkya/zakya-ta-parAnta/prAnta = zAkya tribe/able-warrior-living on the edge or end= able warriors living on the edge/dwelling near the boundaries.
2. zAkya/zakya-kha-khastha-prAnta= able-sun-standing in the air-living on the boundary=sun is able to stand in the air at the boundary.

alt. zaka-yakSa-khastha-prAnta= King of yakSa standing in the air dwelling near the boundary.

Looks like they were rich warriors who were living at the edge of the boundary of Egypt and such people were not sovereigns.
alt. zaka-yakSa-zAsita-prAnta= King of yakSa governed near the boundaries.

Please note that yakSa are considered to be demi gods, spirits as per Indian Mythology and are said to dwell in the mountains. No body knows who were these people but extensively named in Indian scriptures.

Interestingly, let me transliterate the prenomen of yaqub hara which I did not do intentionally in my last post.


= earth name-( beautiful/tawny-yakSa- meditating/marching- cave--mountain/god of mountains)

The dog symbol is not available in Gardiner sign list and the people who transliterated, they made it sound like wsr= vasura or usra. vasura =rich, usra=bull.

However, this is different than the symbol for wsr thats why I used one of the meanings of the word yakSa as dog.

If you see the names of the Egyptian Kings, you will notice they have five names probably indicating five elements of body as believed by ancient Indian scholars.

rasA means earth but it also means a mythical river supposed to flow around the earth so I am not sure whether it should mean river name or earth name but the presence of one name which is mountain name or god of mountain name "hara" and "hara-rasa" - metal of mountain or metal of god of mountain, it is most likely that the name was meant as earth name.

The other name which Egyptologists call  Nebty name where in snake and vulture are tied together probably representing animals or earth and sky together. If this represents earth and sky together then rasA should mean river name.

Nomen is svatA bhUta i.e, as it is existing.

My Transliteration: Anata-hara-zaka-tripurAnta/tri-parAnta= king of mountain saluted reverently at the end of triad of cities/at the end of city.

Thus this king was the ruler of mountain of God which was at the end of the Egyptian city.

Transliterating the prenomen:

svatA-bhUta(amara-citta)= title/ownership--son/child/true/real/existing--(Immortal-heart).


rasA-(zasi/sAsi)= earth name-(moon/having sword).



King-Mighty/strong/powerful-mountain- at the end of triad of cities or at the end of town= Mighty king of mountains at the end of triad of cities.

Nebty name: mahi-dvipuTa-(zata traya dhanvin)= greatly double folded-(300 bow men).

Alt. mahi-dvipuTa-kSatriya-dhanvin= greatly double folded-(bowman endowed with sovereignty)

This alternative meaning proves that Egyptian Hieroglyphics are phonetics based.

Golden Horus name: 

hara-rasa-( urda-tapAsana-bhu/bhU)= metal of mountain-(cheerful, whose food is austerity- happens/produced/existing)

PreNomen: sva-bhU-(zapa/sapa-nara)=self-existing-(man who has taken oath)

zapa and sapa also  mean penis.. Is it indicating circumcised man?


rasA-(khyAna)= earth-( knowledge/perception).

hara-(akini/agni-dvipitR)=mountain-( fire- two ancestors).
Alternatively, we can read it as hara-(agni-dvipAtra)=mountain-fire in two pots.

The name suggests that this man was a tocharians who used to call themselves akini.

See the comments about the  king khyAna by Egyptologist:

Origin of Khyan's name

in hieroglyphs
Ryholt notes that the name, Khyan, generally has been "interpreted as Amorite Hayanu (reading h-ya-a-n) which the Egyptian form represents perfectly, and this is in all likelihood the correct interpretation." [13] It should be stressed that Khyan's name was not original and had been in use for centuries prior to the fifteenth Hyksos Dynasty. The name Hayanu is recorded in the Assyrian king lists—see "Khorsabad List I, 17 and the SDAS List, I, 16"--"for a remote ancestor of Shamshi-Adad I (c.1800 BC)."[13]

Now, I call it fabrication and speculations. They could not find evidence to relate it to semitic language so are fabricating the name.

Even they want to relate it to some word hayanu see the meanings of word hayana, Hayana and hAyanI.

hAyanI= year

hAyana= quitting passing away, year, lasting for a year or returning every year etc.

hayana= year, covered carriage.

1. svatA-bhUta-(nabha/nAbha-bahurai)=title/ownership--son/child/true/real/existing--(very rich central point/sky/navel/nave).

2. svatA-bhUta-(akini-dvAra-akSa)=title/ownership--son/child/true/real/existing-(Axis/pivot of gateway of akini people)

Alt.        svatA-bhUta (yakSa-nara-dvAraka)=title/ownership--son/child/true/real/existing(man at the gate of yakSa, the mythical supernatural being).

3.  svatA-bhUta (vasura-yakSa-jJa)=title/ownership--son/child/true/real/existing(knowing/intelligent,  rich yakSa, the mythical supernatural being).

It could mean that he belonged to tribe of yakSa, the mythical supernatural being who are supposed to God of riches.

Instead of vasura, if we read usra then it would mean intelligent bull of yakSa.


rasA-(iras-papI/papi)= earth-(hostility towards sun or moon/drinking).

Horus name

hara-(su-zapta-pati-advaita)= mountain-(sole master/owner having taken a good oath)


svatA-bhUta-(yakSa-nara)=            (yakSa man)

Alt. svatA-bhUta(rakSaNIya)=        (to be guarded/preserved/protected by)

On Ryholt's transliteration:  svatA-bhUta-(zaptR-citta)=           (zaptR-pati-chitta)=             (swearer minded master).



king-at last end/dwelling near the boundaries or edge--on the earth-having abundant wealth-noble birth-man= king, man of noble birth dwelling near the boundaries (is) having abundant wealth.

kSamA has several meanings like forgiveness, tolerance, pardon, patience, endurance etc. 

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